In the city of Lahore, the wall, known Kato "old castle" or "Anderoon Shehr (Andron month)," e a part of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, който safety of the castle wall podsileno Show Mongol Environmental Protection Agency.

Nasheto търсене nachalata goods at night, което e beater vednzh floor Mahli Hat Gulzar, e което the same chalk razstoyanie Chok Lahore real Červená svetlina area.
Kato found ksno 1864, Taj al-Din, known myuftiya sin against religion in the Harry Mandi беше known in the media age folklorni fence Kato degree "S Kato - kalta Fort. condition," the fourth stool " know Chi prvonachalnite the wall in the citadel of Lahore, the largest in the Veliqi by Walker, izraboteni of kalta?
Kato found ksno 1864, Taj al-Din, known myuftiya sin against religion in the Harry Mandi беше known in the media age folklorni fence Kato degree "S Kato - kalta Fort. condition," the fourth stool " know Chi prvonachalnite the wall in the citadel of Lahore, the largest in the Veliqi by Walker, izraboteni of kalta?

Da Penha documented to determine the e of the goods important to visit a single human старата fence and cold, and the tendency to (timber for the excellent work of Kato vodachi tilt and posoka) and the flow of nablyudava also mohallahs "and" kuchas "and" kattrahs "h structured.Standing found Chuck Sootar mandate Ako spazva izvivka waves on the Integration of Women in Development Paula Kato you out with plum Waachowali Bazaar and cargo tracking and Harry's Bazar, kdeto plum out of you with Chuck and Harry mandate, coverage, когато when Chuck Papar, including the conduct of state socialism can Wier da predstavish. Ako to close the eyes and shipping before 3500, Fort malk of calories Malko housing. Obstanovkata e perfect. Cimiez Open the following ochite Socialist, w e da Penha spazvat time.

Harry Ako and the market itself for a short period of razstoyanie Chuck Chakla (Predstavete improve the services and goods for the nice Chuck Bukhari! See dyasno ще ulitsata open Malkov, sex - buried in the bow, "Pucci" corrupt and feces. And can even of the goods epohata, Lahore stool port? Dokazatelstvata sochat, Chi няма със sigurnost half of the goods can be Yes or gateway Maliki original 'S Kato

vzmozhno e taka, including Yes No izklyuchi всяка vzmozhnost goods w e izvestnata castle stool, w e won by Ayaz Malik built, and many of the myusyulmani първия host in Lahore. Tova e a lot of recorded Kato e, w e istoriyata Lohari Gate entrance to Fort osnovnata Ayaz feces. Taka meaningless because human analizirat recorded dokazatelstva m, e sigurno едно nescho, and goods, and e-commerce, e w Sootar Mandi Chowk is the center of important Kato Kach. Street също predpolagat border. E then hubavo wall, които h dobre.
Ranna in piesa byahme sledvat to these theories, and with izleze tvrdenie, Chi to display the greatest Mughal emperor времето, originalnata cold wall to wall e win Lahore, zapadnata of the country, and for the market правото Hakeeman Bhat in the gate, but iztochnata country for lyavo shahalam port, които track goods and the form of super-Iztok "bbrek form of" cold който bending depends on the flow in the River Ravi. Taka Kato in Lahore, "the Environmental Protection Agency prodlzhila e da Penha razshiryava големи skokove three of razshiryavane, and almost all 400 propastta in epohata in Raja Jaipal in the largest and Maharajah Ranjit Singh, a sign points to ekspanziya.
Ranna in piesa byahme sledvat to these theories, and with izleze tvrdenie, Chi to display the greatest Mughal emperor времето, originalnata cold wall to wall e win Lahore, zapadnata of the country, and for the market правото Hakeeman Bhat in the gate, but iztochnata country for lyavo shahalam port, които track goods and the form of super-Iztok "bbrek form of" cold който bending depends on the flow in the River Ravi. Taka Kato in Lahore, "the Environmental Protection Agency prodlzhila e da Penha razshiryava големи skokove three of razshiryavane, and almost all 400 propastta in epohata in Raja Jaipal in the largest and Maharajah Ranjit Singh, a sign points to ekspanziya.

But ima razshiryavane балон specific special proizhod to three factors, които h starting from Ravi e ekstravaganten and you'd e beater own course, and in the Lahore Fort and the impressive sschestvuvaneto e power derives from the owner, and as of real and ikonomikata in the wall of the old castle, of which more than decreased to prevail, and this depends on the invasion, the land surface tsyalata in the country. Kato Istoriyata in e тези identify factors.
When hodene тези street, including any e da hard right, Chi-old wall found in the degree of sgradi Celia sschestvuvat тази in the region. Kato старата Minnawi is one of the university known Humorously prevalent and Segal, както mosque Kohan Humam Chaileywala, including one referred oblastta Th e krsten similar начин vednzh. da imalo Humam huge fat vednzh in the tomb of the Rapid Intervention Police sschestvuva tracking Paula което krsten a "wave."
When hodene тези street, including any e da hard right, Chi-old wall found in the degree of sgradi Celia sschestvuvat тази in the region. Kato старата Minnawi is one of the university known Humorously prevalent and Segal, както mosque Kohan Humam Chaileywala, including one referred oblastta Th e krsten similar начин vednzh. da imalo Humam huge fat vednzh in the tomb of the Rapid Intervention Police sschestvuva tracking Paula което krsten a "wave."

Tova e tzhno, Chi сме so inclined, including imenata the street and in the region and the involvement of the Gradova Kapkov syakash sealed roof nyakakva moralna power navreme. Yes, all the obicham blokirat presentation date. Tova bi-beater Nye dobre da istoriyata hinted ochertavat Kato diktuvat пъти. Not the idea of dual beater Losha Yes deklarirat Celia castle wall to protect the region. Yes or pazi of the bdescheto Malkov, e ostanal in Kato - kalta castle, very prevrna including human nous wall in the city of Lahore.
When the walls of the city of Lahore, also known as the "Old City" or "Anderoon Shehr (Andron month)," in Lahore, in Punjab, Pakistan, and the provision of the city wall during the Mughal period.
When the walls of the city of Lahore, also known as the "Old City" or "Anderoon Shehr (Andron month)," in Lahore, in Punjab, Pakistan, and the provision of the city wall during the Mughal period.

And begin the search for the opening night Mahli Hat Gulzar, who is the original chalk Chok Lahore red light area.
At the end of 1864, according to the source of the ideal price Tajuddin, son of the famous model and to the religion and the state known as Harry between people of the Old City is the favorite - the mud fort. Why is this area called "Port Butch" When we know that the original walls of Lahore Fort and Akbar the Great, or the ground? The problem being considered.
To determine whether this, it is important to visit the Old City, including the search for land and water (channel excellent leadership and direction of the gradient) and control the flow of mohallahs "and" kuchas "and" kattrahs is structured.Standing Chok Sootar the mandate, please curve Paula waves of the Quick Reaction Force, in addition to the bazaar and Lohari Waachowali market at a later time, which is connected with Harry and Chuck assignment, and finally, when Chuck, which merged with the mandate of Papar behind. If you close your eyes Transportation 3500 years ago, the small fortress of mud flats. Situation as well. When you open your eyes, and it is time to search for or find any evidence of Butch port.
At the end of 1864, according to the source of the ideal price Tajuddin, son of the famous model and to the religion and the state known as Harry between people of the Old City is the favorite - the mud fort. Why is this area called "Port Butch" When we know that the original walls of Lahore Fort and Akbar the Great, or the ground? The problem being considered.
To determine whether this, it is important to visit the Old City, including the search for land and water (channel excellent leadership and direction of the gradient) and control the flow of mohallahs "and" kuchas "and" kattrahs is structured.Standing Chok Sootar the mandate, please curve Paula waves of the Quick Reaction Force, in addition to the bazaar and Lohari Waachowali market at a later time, which is connected with Harry and Chuck assignment, and finally, when Chuck, which merged with the mandate of Papar behind. If you close your eyes Transportation 3500 years ago, the small fortress of mud flats. Situation as well. When you open your eyes, and it is time to search for or find any evidence of Butch port.

If you want to go to Lohari only short distances Bazar Chowk Chakla (Imagine this beautiful country which changed its name to the "religious Chuck Bukhari!) The right, you can see on the street a bit to open the right half - the burial of the basement is the" Pucci "bricks and mud. Maybe This was the era when the Lahore Fort was Butch? There are indications that it is likely to be the door of the corridor or small "and" return in a timely manner, rather than what will grow in a single day in Lahore. is a creative city of Lahore, with good food.

It is also possible that we should not exclude the possibility that the mud from the famous castle built by Ayaz Malik, the first Muslim ruler of Lahore. This is probably due to the fact that it seems that the history of Harry and Ayaz mud castle gate. Therefore, regardless of how the analysis of evidence, and one definition, namely, that the mandate of Chuck Sootar Kach important points. In the street as well as a number of restrictions. This is good, and the walls.
When the last piece, we have the following theory, and with the observation that in times of Mughal Emperor Akbar, and the original brick walls in the city of Lahore and the West, while the right side of the bazaar, Bhat Hakeeman the gates of the east, and to the left of the gate shahalam, curved to the east building "City of the macro-form, which depends on the flow of River Ravi is a travesty. Lahore So this is how" the law of labor relations for some time to strengthen and expand the three major in the spring, each nearly 400-year gap. Minimum age, the largest Jaipal Maharajah Ranjit Singh, the highest point of growth.
When the last piece, we have the following theory, and with the observation that in times of Mughal Emperor Akbar, and the original brick walls in the city of Lahore and the West, while the right side of the bazaar, Bhat Hakeeman the gates of the east, and to the left of the gate shahalam, curved to the east building "City of the macro-form, which depends on the flow of River Ravi is a travesty. Lahore So this is how" the law of labor relations for some time to strengthen and expand the three major in the spring, each nearly 400-year gap. Minimum age, the largest Jaipal Maharajah Ranjit Singh, the highest point of growth.

Increase of the ball, but it is certain that there are three factors:how to fly and when Ravi and change this path, and If the Lahore Fort and the energy generated in power, and, population and economy, the old city has changed with the passage of time, grow, and even decrease, depending on the attack, drought and famine throughout the country. This is the date set by these factors.
Through traffic in the streets, it is not difficult to extend the buildings in the city, in this area. Person for the payment of a fine old mosque in the mosque now Kohan Humam Chaileywala, pointed out that the region was there at the same time. Was huge, "bath time here. Hautaniemi police rapid intervention Paula" waves. "
Through traffic in the streets, it is not difficult to extend the buildings in the city, in this area. Person for the payment of a fine old mosque in the mosque now Kohan Humam Chaileywala, pointed out that the region was there at the same time. Was huge, "bath time here. Hautaniemi police rapid intervention Paula" waves. "

It is unfortunate that we have a way to change the names of streets, neighborhoods and cities, but without hesitation, because the moral authority of the time pressure. Officials want to delete history. It would be better to relax and exchange of the history of growth in times of need. It's a good idea to declare the entire area of the city. We must protect the future of small, left, the like - the port of dirt, which became the city of Lahore.

When the walls of the city of Lahore has been an area of 256 mother and 200.000 inhabitants of the city tear down the wall immediately after the British annexed Punjab in 1849, and was replaced by parks, and some are already available. And roads in the city through a network of cities. Access to the city is still based on old gates 13, and dissemination. When the labyrinthine streets of the picturesque in the inner city, it remains virtually unchanged, but they are often quick and illegal demolition of the reconstruction, which will be held in the historic city to change the structure and replace it with a low structure. Historic buildings are not unusual, and some of them had been violated. Many old houses in the city continues to believe, usually two or three-storey high brick facades, flat roofs and carved wooden balconies and rich, which hangs on Windows
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